Going Away Party

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Buluyagonz Alert! I am planning to have my going a way party at least 3-5 days before I leave on June 10, 2008. I'm still pretty busy with school: have my blue book signed and what not. I just want you guys to prep yourselves for my impending going away party because I am organizing it as a form of a pot-luck thing just so I wouldn't prepare food for you lot. I'm afraid my expertise, or lack thereof, can't handle it! I know it was convenient last time because I left a few days after my birthday but since we just got married last March our pockets are shallow, so to speak.
See you at the usual place! PM me for more details or badger Lurch. She knows a few of my plans!

gossip girl (yes, I'm at it again!)

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