Apology IS Accepted, No?

Sunday, May 11, 2008

I'd like to apologize for my Entrecard droppers. I was unaware, as of a few minutes ago, that my Entrecard widget couldn't be seen on this site! I wonder what went wrong but anyway, I fixed it and it's now back on.
Unfortunately, due to the power outage, I wasn't able to get online this morning and we also went out of town for the day. I'm also working on re-vamping this site and there is still a lot of things to add so hold up and give me a cookie! :)
Speaking of cookies, I'd like to share a food find that I stumbled upon today in the grocery. Oreo Pie Crust! Uhuh! We already have instant pie crusts for sale here in Dumaguete! I know it's nothing to cheer about but I live in Dumzville (coined by us locals) and usually, were a bit late on new stuff on the market. If you would like to know more about Dumaguete, you can Google about it and see what a quaint little University Town it is. Or better yet, I'll blog about it! Now, that is an interresting thought.


0 deranged screams: