New Year's Resolution
Friday, January 2, 2009

With the New Year here, does anyone have their New Year’s Resolution list up? Frankly, I am a bit hesitant to list one for myself. See, making up a list doesn’t necessarily mean that I will follow through with these resolutions. I mean, I’ve been making one up every single year and I still haven’t checked them off my list. I seem to lack the impulse to follow through, I guess. Number one on my list used to be losing weight but I am quite hesitant to use diet pills, even if they are safe diet pills. But what the heck, I know I should shave off a few pounds but with me in the dumps most of the time, I just can’t.
2008 has been a wonderful year for me and I have learned quite a lot. To my relief, I finally graduated college! This is not for lack of trying, though but with immigrating to the US and problems with the curriculum, I heaved a sigh of relief when I finally wore the black toga.
The highlight of my year however, was making the biggest step a girl (woman?) could ever do. Yes, I got married, hitched, bound (you get the message), but not knocked up, to the most wonderful guy I ever met (blush).
Looking back at all that has happened, stepping on US soil again, I am quite satisfied, albeit sad, that the year has come and gone. Although life hasn’t been kind on me and P, we are still hoping for things to be better in the next year to come.
How has my year been? It was great, amazing, unforgettable, sad, lonely… but most of all, it has somehow shaped what my future would bring.
2 deranged screams:
thanks boss.... love you...
i dint get any response right here..
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