Deranged Blogger Buzz #4: Pinay Mommy Dreamer

Monday, June 30, 2008

Deranged Blogger Buzz number 4 is up! This time I'm buzzing Mommy Elvs of Pinay Mommy Dreamer. Her blog showcases a lot of creative ideas fit for mommies. Although I am not a mommy yet, I still hop over to her site and read articles about faith and devotion. Her thoughts and insights inspire me to think and dig deep into myself. Mommy Elvz is a loving wife and proud mother of two kids.
It is said that when you dream, you create things out of your imagination. True enough, some of her stories are indeed creations of her imagination and experiences in life.
Her articles about health are indeed insightful and they give readers a worthful of knowledge.
Pinay Mommy Dreamer's blog is indeed on my RSS reader and one of the blogs that I visit everyday.

Want to get buzzed? Click here for more details. 50 EC credits will also be given to the blog that I buzz for the week.

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1 deranged screams:

Anonymous June 30, 2008 at 8:01 PM  

Hello Z'riz. Thanks so much for this write up! I'm so glad somebody like you appreciate my blog.

Btw, i have a new blog it's Mighty in Spirit, hope you visit also if you have time.

Thanks and more power to your blogs !I already place your code in my side bar =)