Reading and eBooks and Books, Oh, My!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

I have never had any problems with my eyes at all. I know I’ve used them more often than not because I love to read and using the computer. The thing is, I also have a collection of ebooks and I just can’t resist reading them too. You know how it is, if you’re a bookworm, you always would devour any written word in any form and have them at your disposal.

Lately however, my eyes have been bothering me and even though I’ve used eye drops and limited my time to reading books and not ebooks, I still get this little twinge now and then. Oh, I hope I won’t start wearing eyeglasses! I dread the thought of even wearing one. It’s not because it’s not fashionable and all but to me, it’s a testament that I haven’t been taking care of my eyes as well as I should. For more information, head over to The Clark Howard Show.

Sure, I love eating squash and a little bit of carrots but I know that it’s not enough. I need more time to rest them and I know I should stay away from staring at the screen twenty-four-seven!

I know I shouldn’t but I went ahead and downloaded a few ebooks and I am psyched about them. With my studies also underway, it is quite inevitable for me to avoid reading altogether.

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1 deranged screams:

shenzee October 17, 2008 at 12:47 AM  

stay focused.. ehehhe do ur books and ebooks later.. okies..