Wandering Mind

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

More often than not, I am plagued by this little neurosis that I claim to have. Claim, you ask? Well, it's because I haven't been diagnosed yet and I doubt I will ever be, so this is just me playing doctor. Terrific! A little regression perhaps? Maybe not but it's always a plus to psychoanalyze yourself without paying a psychiatrist to do it for you. Heck, if you ever approach one, you'll be more than likely to be given poisons (drugs) that will never do wonders for your health or your sanity.

Yeah I'm babbling about heaven knows what and I know a few of my friends and my hubby would swear that I often stare into space with a blank look on my face. LOL It's funny I know, but it's scary at the same time! Wouldn't you give me a penny for my thoughts if you saw me in that state? Well, I would give me a penny if I know what I was thinking! Yeah, I basically think about everything and nothing, if ever that makes sense at all.

So this difficulty of focusing it getting to me and I just had to blog about it. It seems that the sisterhood of goddesses have deigned to inspire me today. If you have noticed, they seemed to have deserted me for the past few weeks and refused to let me blog about something of importance.

On another note of the same matter, I would like to share with you my experience visiting the Psychiatry: An Industry of Death Museum on Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, California. My friend Michelle urged us to go see the museum because she thought that it would give us a new insight and more knowledge about psychology than what we have reviewed so far. I got away with more than what I bargained for and got a clearer insight about what psychiatrists are doing to your brain all in the name of money.

As the name of the museum suggests, it is indeed a museum showing the history and development of psychiatry from Bedlam (Bethlehem Royal Hospital) to mainstream psychiatry. For the most part, I knew the history and development about psychiatry but I was lead to believe that modern psychiatry was a God-send. I was wrong. This museum is funded by the Citizen's Commission on Human Rights (CCHR) who have been fighting since the 1960s to expose psychiatry as what it is: an industry of DEATH. The museum features 14 documentaries ranging from the history, medications, racism, psychotic drugs, psychologists, psychiatrists, victims of psychiatric abuse and more.

I came away from that museum knowing more than what I expected to know. Plus, the director of the museum who is a Jew said that my name Ezrah means HELP in Hebrew. I thought it is quite appropriate with what my profession would be once I pass the exams, don't you think?

Psychiatry: An Industry of Death
The free Museum is located at 6616 Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles, California 90028.
Hours of operation:
Monday - Friday: 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Bring your friends, family and anyone you like! To book a free tour, please call the Museum Manager at 1-800-869-2247.
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