Halloween '08

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Halloween came and went without so much as a hitch. Yup, the day (or night) wasn't as eventful as I thought it would be. I guess I was expecting too much of our trip than what I originally expected to have. Well, no matter, what is done is done.

I did enjoy Trick or Treating with my Michelle's kids but unfortunately, we weren't able to enter the Haunted House that was open for the public. Don't look at me like that! I'm not a scaredy cat (overmuch) but her kids didn't want to go, so we had to go around the block and help them gather yummy candies. Suffice as to say that I sneaked two bars of mini Snickers, yum!

When we were done taking the kids Trick or Treating, we took them home and it was time for the "big kids'" night out. Unfortunately (which made the rest of the night useless), someone told us that there would be a parade in Hollywood when there wasn't! I guess they didn't check the schedule and relied on the "word of mouth." As it turned out, the parade was in West Hollywood and NOT in Hollywood and Highland.

Well, We did see a few a lot of really interesting costumes but we really didn't enjoy it much. Not to mention being stuck in traffic for almost an hour! Please!

I did stumble upon a really wonderful find! I saw a house that really looked haunted! No, it's not really haunted but it did look like it and I thought the photo turned out really great!


So? How did your Halloween go? Oh, and in case you're wondering, I dressed up as a sexy pirate! :)

4 deranged screams:

Aisha November 8, 2008 at 6:25 AM  

Hahaha! Chadaha ani nga costume uy! Angayan ka.

Zeee November 8, 2008 at 9:27 AM  

ahahahaha salamat Aish... Pero imo hubby kay unique kaayo! Kita ko... Green Giant.. as in ka cute!

Anonymous November 10, 2008 at 3:47 PM  

you look prettilicious mommy!! your costume is very cool. you look good on it.

Zeee November 10, 2008 at 3:59 PM  

hahaha salamat Mami R!