I drank Rat Tea...
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
...and LOVED it! Now, don't go bug-eyed on me! I didn't actually drink rat tea but "the year of the rat tea" or Rat Zenfusion (on the overhead menu). Naturally, I chose the year of the because I rat was the animal attributed to the year I was born.
You might be wondering where in the world I found a tea with rat in it. It was a few months back where my friends and I stopped by Borders in North Vine Street, Los Angeles but it was closed. Beside the bookstore was a cafe; the Zen Zoo Tea Cafe, and we decided to buy coffee and wait for the bookstore to open. Little did we know that we entered a hallowed halls of the Zen Zoo Tea Cafe.
We were thinking about getting a regular cup of coffee when we found that their overhead menu had different offerings. There was tiger, rat, monkey, snake tea and so on. We were at a crossroads and didn't know what to order. The lady behind the counter guessed at our puzzlement and offered us a free taste of their tea. I was mildly surprised by the Rat Zenfusion but I loved it!
Rat Zenfusion Tea meant sensitivity, sociability, and wisdom, as was written in the overhead menu. Delish! It was just my cup of tea (pardon the pun)! Of course my friends picked tea from their own birth year and we decided to taste each one of them. Nahhh I must say I loved the Rat Zenfusion better than theirs.
I give my experience five stars!
Zen Zoo Tea Cafe
1517 North Vine Street.
Hollywood CA 90028
3 deranged screams:
i seriously thought u were drinking tea made from rat essence or something..
im a rat too! :D
That is so interesting! :) The have unique names maybe that's why they're called Zen Zoo. Cool!
@Lurchie: hahahaa I was hoping for that effect! :) It's yummy and I think you'll like Rat Zenfusion
@Aisha: Hahaha yup, the owners got that idea from a trip in Asia... :)
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