Monday, January 5, 2009

It’s five days into the New Year and the weather is already playing tricks on me! A few days ago, it was overcast and windy and now it’s a bit hot. I already turned down the heater and I still feel hot. The thing is, the minute I turn down the heater, the room will become as cold as a tomb in a few hours and I don’t think I can take waking up and in a “sleep walking” state, go and turn up the heat. I know, I’m lazy but it’s one of the things that I hate doing, getting up from bed when I’m already snuggled in.
Perhaps this is what happened when you don’t have a centralized heater. But to that effect, I wouldn’t know since I haven’t tried living in a house with centralized anything! Chalk it up to living in the tropics and just having a wall air conditioner. I guess it’s nothing compared to the new Schumacher Homes.
So what do you think; Is it the crazy weather [read global warming]? Or is it just me and my hate for this see-saw weather?
2 deranged screams:
global warming plus the hate! hehehe!:) happy new year!:)
yes...the HATE! hehehe :)
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