Learnings: Trying Out Motherhood - or Not!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Being the good Godmother that I am, errrmm not really that good, I visit my baby godchildren, Lurchie's kiddies yesterday. My, have they grown! Especially the little boy, who is not so little anymore! He's quite a handful! At first, little boy was pretty shy and sat on my lap prim-and-proper-like holding a piece of yummy bread. Of course, the mom said that he's pretty much preoccupied with eating that making a fuss so I haven't seen the real deal yet. Little girl, the elder of the two, was bringing her plastic bag full of bread and not sharing but she let me have a bite of her bread. Aww, that's really sweet! She gave me a big smack on my cheek, too!
Little girl was absolutely not prim-and-proper! She kept calling me Mommy Ging, too. Well, she called her mommy a different name so I guess I have nothing to worry about. Hahaha! After eating her bread (she only ate the part with sugar!) she did my hair. I gave her a brush so she can amuse myself with my hair while little boy was now climbing up and down my lap, climbing the bench, walking to his great grandmother, walking to my cousins, sitting on their laps, walking to his mommy, climbing on my lap, climbing down....you get the picture! No pictures where taken, unfortunately (what was I thinking?!).
During this sojourn in Lurchie's abode, I learned a few things again. Some were insightful and some were pretty shocking.

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